

     The OSI Model is a logical and conceptual model that describes network connectivity for networks that are open to interconnection and communication. The Open System Interconnection (OSI Model) also defines a logical network and uses different layers of protocols to efficiently explain computer packet transfer.  Figure 1 PHYSICAL LAYER      In this level, the raw data will be transmitted by any hardware devices. The data that student wants to transfer to OUM/IT facility will be transmitted by wireless device such as Radio signals. The data also can be transmitted by using another hardware device such as Fibre Optic Cable and Ethernet Cable. Example : Fibre Optic Cable, Ethernet Cable and Radio Signals DATA LINK LAYER      Data link layer is the protocol layer in a program that manages data movement into and out of a network’s physical link. So, it will manage the data from the student’s computer to reach the Online Learning System se...


       Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! We are students of Bachelor Computer Science (Database Management) from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). Our group members consists of 4 members which are : Mohamad Hilal Alif Bin Rosly (B031910148), Mohammad Hafizuddin Bin Kamurazaman (B031910095), Nurul Atikah Binti Che Bakori (B031910400), and Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohamed Nor (B031910378).      In this blog, it will contain about three major section which are OSI Layer Model , Subnetting Calculation and TCP/IP Setting Manual . This is for assignment purpose but feel free to explore our blog. Thank You 😄 Figure 1      The scenario of this project can be referred to Figure 1. Figure 1 shows the logical network flow from a home network to OUM facilities. In this figure, a OUM’s student is trying to access the OnlineLearning system located in the OUM network facilities. The student is using her modem to connect to the public network befo...